Rusia N. Mohiuddin Founder & Co-Director, the Mukti Foundation

Mission & Vision
The Mukti Foundation’s mission is to continue the legacy of equity & liberation principles of Monsura “Mukti” Mohiuddin, a former Member of Parliament who served & fought for women & poor people both as a historically elected official & as a citizen in Bangladesh and the United States.
To continue Ms. Mohiuddin’s legacy of service towards liberation & love, we are establishing the Mukti Foundation, in our mother’s honour, an international institution to serve women of colour & poor people.
Since Ms. Mohiuddin was a global citizen and spent the latter part of her life in the United States, the national work of the Mukti Foundation will acutely focus on women of colour leadership, transformation, and healing.
As a core duty in continuing Ms. Mohiuddin’s legacy of equity & liberation, principles our mother globally fought for all her life, we will launch the work of TMF with a historic & innovative campaign aimed to galvanize WOC from across the country to convene, celebrate, and create networks that support our leadership throughout our lives and work in our movements.
We understand and know that the time to transform our movements and futures is always now.
In Development
As we work to raise $7400.00 for our launch campaign to feed poor families here in New York and in Bangladesh, we will be developing the structure for the Mukti Foundation, based on the embodied values Monsura Mukti Mohiuddin lived.
Donate to Our Launch Campaign$7400 for 74 years
The Mukti Foundation’s first endeavor will be to crowdsource at least $7400.00 to immediately feed poor Bangladeshi families here in New York and then establish a food pantry in the Dimla district in Bangladesh where Mrs. Mohiuddin, as a young child, fed poor families every week with her paternal grandmother.
Liberation From Poverty
Mrs. Mohiuddin lived by a steadfast belief that food, clothing, & education are the pathways out of poverty. To continue the work she began as a young child, the Mukti Foundation will support the existing Mukti School in the Dimla District in Bangladesh and work to establish a food and clothing pantry for families living in abject poverty.
A Revolutionary Lineage
The Mukti Foundation is a family foundation dedicated to continuing the legacy of our revolutionary lineage that began with our great grandmother, was continued by our grandparents and our beloved mother, Mukti Mohiuddin. We have been taught to serve those who are at the intersections of the most marginalized and oppressed and living in abject poverty.